There's Something New Under the Sun
Weather Modification-the Real Cause of Climate Change
"How far does the military doctrine of full spectrum dominance extend? All the way from the atmosphere into the living cell and its DNA, all the way into your thoughts." Elena Freeland—Geoengineered Transhumanism, published 2021
Being someone that's always enjoyed star gazing & like most I am in awe at the heartening effects of untampered sun rises & sunsets, the drastic changes in the sky I witness whenever I look upwards now is devastating to me. I can't remember when I last saw a jet black night sky sprinkled with vivid, twinkling stars that have peaked the curiosity of man since the beginning of time. Living on the seafront the detrimental transformation is even more apparent. What a tragedy to think that generations of children will never learn about the incredible star systems at the knees of their parents or grandparents that in times past were clear & visible to the naked eye & now have been reduced to a worrying soul-destroying, unbroken blanket of grey nothingness. The sky by day is as equally concerning. Oh I know we're allowed the occasional day or two when the heavens above resemble skies of old to us into thinking all is well, but they are becoming increasingly few & far between.
About ten years ago I listened to a US Airforce whistleblower, Kristen Meghan, telling her story of first hand knowledge & experience of the chemtrail phenomenon which compounded my fears about what I'd previously learnt about this perturbing subject. I contacted my then local MP, Chris Grayling, expressing my concerns & received a predictable reply saying they are natural emissions from aircraft...contrails. Since the out-of-control, egotistic (I'm being kind) billionaire lunatics have ramped up the sun-blocking madness under the pretext of preventing global warming, its incumbent on every one of us that understand that their agenda is to annihilate life on earth as we know it & to recreate it in their image! (Yes they literally believe they are God's now) to share this information far & wide if we are to take advantage of this short window of time we have left before the jackboot is truly stamping on our head.
Here is a brief summary of my research about the decades old, weather modification warfare being waged against us: The spraying of harmful metals & chemicals from the sky referred to as chem-trails, is not new but with the help of the massive advancement in technology, aerosol spraying has been intensified of late culminating in a colossal rise in neurological illnesses such as dementia & Alzheimer's. Flu-like symptoms, dizziness, chronic fatigue, extreme headaches, nosebleeds, hacking coughs & persistent respiratory infections that may linger for months are all common ailments experienced by many immediately after aerosol operations have taken place. For decades, anyone that doubted that the abnormal plumes of smoke released from planes were anything but regular con-trails (condensation & ice crystals) were labeled as conspiracy theorists & denied a voice (In 2010, I wrote to my MP at the time, Chris Grayling, asking for an explanation on what I was seeing in the sky locally & got the obligatory, glib answer that it was all caused by condensation from aeroplanes!) but now, geo-engineering is spoken about freely with certain billionaires that think they have the right to use earth as their experimental playground speaking openly about blocking the sun under the guise of preventing global warming!
The sun acts as natures disinfectant & since their deplorable interference with the atmosphere cases of fungus & mould have multiplied exponentially. But let's stay on topic. The following paragraph is from a piece by Mark Goode, published in 2008 by Namaste magazine, unfortunately, no longer in circulation:"An article appeared in the November 2nd 1999 issue of the Guardian newspaper confirming that the UK government had engaged in germ warfare experimentation upon the public during the 1950's. In order to simulate & estimate the movement of a biological weapon-laden cloud over the country, a marker chemical, zinc cadmium sulphide, now a known carcinogen, was released in huge quantities. As this substance is fluorescent, & as a result, its dispersal levels could be accurately monitored at sampling stations. By 1956, Royal Air Force aircraft were actively involved in aerial spraying operations across the UK, in which zinc cadmium sulphide was frequently released along the coasts, eventually making its way far inland by wind dispersal. "Those of us that keep an eye on such things are well aware that weather modification is indeed real & has been in operation for a long time. The US Johnson administration during the 1960's oversaw the military's use of weather control in the Vietnam war, named Operation Sober Popeye & conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam, sponsored by Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Prior to that, weather control was also used in WW2: Michael Marshall wrote about this in the New Scientist 8th July 2008 with the title—Second World War Bombers Changed the Weather which can be found easily online. The applications of this technology fulfil an array of covert agendas which are hidden in plane site (pun intended) but completely ignored by the media & an ignorant public.
The deflection of the suns power away from earth alongside artificial weather modification programmes carried out in the sky are in my mind the most serious threat to our survival ever, for we no longer have the choice to breathe air free of dangerous contaminants, to drink pure natural water, to eat foods grown in organic soil as these precious, God-given rights have been cruelly taken out of our control. Scientists admit aerosol spraying forms man-made clouds that spread to create a sky shield. The shield reduces the amount of sunlight reaching the earth & this is referred to as "global dimming". Aerosol spraying as part of geo-engineering programs has coincided with an average 22% drop in sunlight reaching the earth's surface. Geo-engineering is therefore interfering with earth's essential life processes.
Have you ever wondered why those blaming the damage to our planet solely on Co2 emissions never collate information on climate change & artificial weather modification? Joseph P. Farrel, PhD, poses this timely question. "Ask yourself this: when was the last time you encountered a climate change apocalypse-predicting paper full of computer models that took into account & incorporated the geoengineering technologies—cloud seeding, chemical spraying, ionospheric heaters & so on—as a component of the computer modelling?" Answer: Never!
Unconventional Grey, a film by the late Michael J Murphy is well worth seeing. It was only discovered recently, seven years after his death. He'd made two more films on the subject of geoengineering before this 3rd one but was killed before completion. RIP Michael. Technocracy News by Patrick Wood has done a great job in bringing this film to the world's attention.
Also, Elena freeland's book Geoengineered Transhumanism—How the Environment has Been Weaponised by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology is a must read to understand all there is to know about this crucial topic. Example: " Just as natural forests that convert carbon to oxygen are slated for replacement by GMO virtual forests, human beings are slated to become GMO/BCI (brain-computer interface) cyborg Transhumans. Meanwhile, billions of the biologically ignorant accept the lie that carbons are causing "climate change." This book is a sequel to her first two books: Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (2018) & Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (2014)Both of which I've yet to read myself.

is so much more to learn about what exactly is occurring in the sky
above us, suffice to say none of it will be good, they have no intention
of giving us an iota of respite from their continual attacks on our
mind, body & souls but if we've managed to fend off their series of
onslaughts up to this pivotal point in human history with all the detrimental health effects entailed,
then, I believe, by the grace of God we will find a way to
circumnavigate what they have in store for us & not only survive but
flourish. Having said that, I do realise things will get a lot worse
before we get to that stage in our evolution & many will not make
it, but I fully intend to be amongst the ones that do & I hope you
will be joining me. See you on the other side!