The De-Socialization of the Masses
None of us chose to be having conversations about how to prepare for Armageddon in our lifetime ....but here we are, thanks to the cabal of eugenecists, international corporate cartel's, big pharma, technocrats & insane billionaires, all colluding to bring about the ultimate control currency!
I hear you ask, what about the control of all resources ? Water, food, & energy supplies? Which of course, are all of tremendous importance. But, if we, as individuals fail to retain authority over our own monetary transactions all of the above will be out of reach anyway, particularly if you're labelled a dissident in the eyes of the globalists that won't hesitate from preventing you from purchasing food or from traveling more than 15 minutes from town. On the other hand, if we can prevent the implementatation of CBDC's (or at least delay it for as long as possible) & preserve our use of cash, we'll always find ways to survive. And as all good preppers advise, buy precious metals while we still can.
CBDC's are being brought in by stealth with many businesses & corporations refusing to accept cash from their customers forcing them to use credit cards & to accept that it's the only way forward & is inevitable. We must do all we can to stave off their take-over of our money by always using cash, frequenting small businesses that allow you to do so & boycotting those that insist on card payments only.
To think, that prior to the manufactured, military controlled covid pandemic only a relatively small number of people had any idea that governments lied to them on a regular basis. The majority were (still are in many cases) impervious to such thoughts. In the words of author, Debbie Lerman, writing for The Brownstone Institute, "The public health experts were not responsible for pandemic response policy. The military-intelligence-biodefense leadership was in charge."
Having read about DARPA's (Defence Advance Research Projects Agency) close collaboration with the DOD (Dept; of Defense) in addressing covid-19 pandemic, this makes perfect sense to me. Remember too, that in 2020 that 'Public Health England" became, the more militarised sounding "UK Health Security Agency' (UKHSA) & is responsible for (their words) "protecting every member of every community from the impact of infectious diseases, chemical, biological, radiological & nucler incidents & other health threats." Feel better now ? & although Lerman writes from an American perspective, we know that most countries have been in lockstep with one another from the outset.
Tedros Adhanom Gheybreyesus became director general of the WHO in 2017 after a very dubious selection process for the role. Indeed, he was the first DG that was not a medical doctor. He had the full support of Chinese officials that have many financial interests in Ethiopia from where Gheybreyesus hails. When he was elected in May 2017 Ethiopia's Amhara Community protested outside the WHO's headquarters in Geneva for his involvement of cover-ups over three cholera epidemics occuring in 2006, 2009, & 2011. He is also, unsurprisingly, fully on board with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) & under complete command of the WHO's parent agency, the United Nations. In other words, he's a bought & paid for, compromised servant of those at the helm of todays lunacy.
DESOCIALIZATION - The process by which earlier socialization is undone. It is most commonly associated with the study of thought form & brainwashing. ( Desocialization involves the loss of self-identity. (
Those orchestrating the demoralisation of people across the world knew exactly what they were doing by using the cover of a pandemic to bring about their decades in the planning surveillance & control systems & that the covid regulations would cause irreparable harm to millions in the process. March, 2020, when the first lockdown was announced precipitated a massive decline in people's mental & physical well-being. Reams have been written about the horrendous consequences of decisions made by so-called experts back then, so suffice to say, it bloody worked!
Desocialization is the method of isolating someone from others & all they hold dear. It is a prison procedure for unruly inmates used as further punishment. It can cause total meltdown at worse, for some individuals, & feelings of desolation & despair in others as humans are not made to live isolated & deprived of one-another's company. So by imposing the cruel mandates upon nations, not only was it then possible to install 5G towers & cables without scrutiny from the public, but as people were now confined to their homes with nothing but their TV's for company, 'they' were able to practise ancient systems of mind-manipulation with the unprecented use of propaganda on their captive audience. We've now witnessed the dire result of these nefarious acts.
Unfortunately, some will never recover their innate ability to think for themselves & to this day continue to be duped into believing a never-ending cycle of artificial events that deepens their sense of helplessness & reliance on their controllers speaking to them through TV's. To attempt to break through to friends & family members that fall into that category is futile, they are lost to the most debilitating emotion known to man...FEAR.
Oh how pleased must the the modern-day wizards & black magicians that continue the work of their predecessor's be with themselves? The spell has well & truly been cast over many souls now, & lamentably they will never return to how their lives were before the ultimate psyop: Sars 2 Covid-19 was accomplished.
ps having said that, I know that the climate change, net zero abomination is as equally malignant.
Below is an example of the utter low lifes that are supposedly calling the shots! sickening eh?