Serco, Soros, & Lord Malloch Brown - (Privy Council)

19th July 2023
We've all heard of George Soros, he that flaunts his philanthropic work on the world stage and whom established The Open Society Foundations. But a lesser known figure perhaps, is that of Lord Mark Malloch Brown President of the OSF since 2021 & judging by his achievements as stated on the OSF's own website, has been, & still is a very busy boy indeed. Bearing in mind that these men (?) via their funding are responsible for the stealthful remodeling of the world around us, not to mention our personal & family life too! Heres's what it says:
Mark Malloch-Brown is president of the Open Society Foundations, the world's largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights.
He has worked to advance human rights, justice, and development for more than four decades in a variety of roles: with the United Nations, the World Bank, and as a British government minister, as well as with a range of civil society groups and business.
At the United Nations, Malloch-Brown spearheaded the global promotion of the UN Millennium Development Goals as head of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from 1999 to 2005, under the then UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan. At the UNDP, and previously as head of external affairs at the World Bank, Malloch-Brown led reform efforts that were widely seen as increasing the impact of both organizations.
He later served as Kofi Annan's chief of staff, and then as UN Deputy Secretary General, before joining the British government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown, as minister responsible for Africa and Asia from 2007 to 2009.
Malloch-Brown rejoined Open Society's Global Board in 2009, reflecting a close friendship with George Soros that developed in the early 1990s when he was working as a political consultant in Latin America and later over relief efforts in Bosnia. In 1995, Soros backed Malloch-Brown and others' idea of launching the International Crisis Group, an NGO focused on preventing and averting violent conflict, in response to the horrors seen in Rwanda, Somalia, and the former Yugoslavia.
More recently, he chaired Best for Britain, a group that makes the case for Britain's engagement with the European Union, and has among others led the boards of the Royal Africa Society, the UN Foundation, and the Business Commission for Sustainable Development.
Malloch-Brown was
knighted for his contribution to international affairs and is currently
on leave from the British House of Lords. Malloch-Brown is a
Distinguished Practitioner at Oxford University's Blavatnik School of
Government, an adjunct fellow at Chatham House's Queen Elizabeth
Program, and has been a visiting distinguished fellow at the Yale Center
for the Study of Globalization. Quite a resume eh?
More of Malloch Brown later.
Serco: Nefarious doesn't come close to describing this corrupt outfit. "The Mother of all Multinational Corporations" is the kindest description I've found, coined by Susan Price in January 2019. I've spoken about Serco on Rumble Yokebusters platform & written about it before, but inlight of it having it's grubby fat fingers in every aspect of our lives it's definitey worth a revisit as there's not (not to my knowledge) a journalist alive working for the corporate media that will shed any light on Serco's insidious fraudulent actions.
For the sake of those unfamiliar with Serco here's it's company profile from 2018: Serco is an outsourcing company that specialises in public sector work. It runs services in five areas: defence, "justice and immigration", health, transport, and "citizen services". It works for 20 governments worldwide, but 40% of all its business remains in the UK, with another 19% in Australia as of 2017. Serco has been hit by numerous scandels, most famously in 2013 when it was exposed along with G4S overcharging the government by millions on its electronic tagging contract. You can go to for the entire report.
Crown agent, Rupert Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, & son of Christopher Soames, MP, was, until recently, CEO of Serco, having left last year (2022) with a £7 million handshake. Chris Hyman, an accountant, South African, & devout Christian (?) was boss from 2002 proclaiming that he would make Serco "the world's greatest service company". As Serco expanded into the private sector things took a turn for the worse & in 2014 Hyman resigned just before a Serious Fraud Office investigation began resulting in the placement of Rupert Soames as CEO. Serco has won a very lucrative contract from the Home Office to ferry, house & protect illegal immigrants from angry locals that may object to hotels & homes being freed up to accomade them. Its involvement in UK Border Force & the daily ferrying of illegal immigrants by the boatload to UK's shores has been met by a blanket of silence from the UK press. Anyone would think there's a deliberate attempt from on high to supress any connection between the two & that the media are under orders to keep it hidden from the public domain! Which, in my opinion, is exactly what's happening & has been for over a decade. Serco's record on Asylum Housing is abysmal & the running of detention centres & prisons is no better. And yet the contracts keep coming! For example Serco won another £57m contract without competition during covid for its test & trace racket that saw its profits soar by 31% to £116m in six months, It also won a contract worth up to £322m to continue running coronavirus testing sites for another year! Boss at the time Rupert Soames said: 'We have delivered an extremely strong operational performance.' It's enough to make you scream eh? particularly as we know that 'they' knew all along that Sars Cov2 was just another very successful psyop. No one seems to know exactly why Serco is awarded a continual stream of contracts but they appear to have a cosy relationship with the UK government.Tory MP for Charnwood, Edward Argar is currently a junior health minister & has held a post at the Ministry of Justice, Before he became an MP in 2015, he was head of public affairs at Serco UK & Europe. For breakdown of Serco's company profile refer to website above.
Back to Lord Mark Malloch Brown: The globalist rackateer kingpin running the Queen's (Now the King's as the baton has been passed on, just think The Crown) Privy Council with George Soros. So sais the reliable that in my mind is a veritable source of relative information. They state that he, Malloch Brown, rigs elections from Venezuela & Estonia to USA. He rigs electronic voting machines owned by him, George Soros & Mitt Romney. He controls the Senior Executive Service (SES) He Steals trillions of dollars from inventors, main Street & rigged global stock market. Phew, quite a list of accusations you may say. But I can assure you that these guys have done the homework on the likes of Brown & Soros & their ilk. A further example of their work: "Malloch-Brown has never disclosed anywhere his advisory role in the Institute for Glabal Law & Policy (IGLP) at Harvard Law School, 2009. IGLP advised Hilary Ckinton, George Bush, Barack Obama, & their new Economic Council director Larry Summers on distribution of the 2008 "bank bailout" funds. Literally tens of billions of these U.S. taxpayer dollars flowed into Malloch-Brown's Privy Council entities via his co-conspirators at HSBC, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, UBS & State Street Bank, to name a few."
TO BE CONTINUED ASAP, please check back soon!
So, where was I?.........The rigging of elections aluded to above concerns Optec Software which operates all voting systems worldwide of which George Soros & Lord Mark Malloch Brown are heavily involved. Malloch Brown is also CEO of another voting system called Smart Matic. It's in the public domain that prior to the 2020 Presidential election Soros stated clearly that Donald Trump would not win,,, anyone would think he was in control of the outcome! With these advanced technological machines at their disposal is it any wonder that the results of the US elections & those of other countries were pre-ordained?
Open Society, is not a benevolent, philanthropic organisation as its website suggests. It orchestrates regime change operations, economic warfare & destabilisation of countries worldwide. George Soros initiated the colour revolutions, the Orange Revolution Ukraine, 2004, where he also set up a foundation in 1990, 2years before they gained independence, Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State headed the Civil Society 2.0 programme prior to the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-14 (when the Maidan massacre occured). that worked directly with NGO's like International Renaissance, funded by Georgs Soros. The Arab Spring upsrising, January 2011, Lybya, Tunisia, Egypt, the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, the Rose Revolution in Georgia also had his fingerprints all over them.
Apologies for being unable to upload video of this information, Not the greatest platform.