My Hebridean Experience

I recently returned from my first ever visit to Scotland & the Hebridean Islands with mixed feelings. Yes, the landscape & all round scenery were spectacular & the people friendly & welcoming. But what grabbed my attention was the horrific sight of ugly wind turbines on the horizon in every direction & the massive amount of masts & cables everywhere you looked. Also, even at the remotest location the local shops & cafes would not accept cash unless I insisted. Then I discovered that almost 16 million trees have been brutally cut down to make way for wind farms! No one can tell me how this barbaric destruction of so many natural givers of life will help the environment.
Yet we know, the actions of the fake environmental movement have absolutely nothing to do with saving the environment but all to do with impoverishing the less well-off & enriching the elite. My mood wasn't helped by being part of a group of 20 others that had all been jabbed to the hilt & were completely impervious to the fact that the natural beauty of the Highlands & Islands had been spoiled forever in the name of environmentalism. The experience was a harsh reminder that there really is no way of avoiding the world that's being carved out for us by the UN & its many agencies & an oppressive feeling of being coralled into ever tighter spaces was, for me, inescapable.
I don't want to end on a negative note so I'll say that all is still not lost, people are slowly coming to the realisation that all is not what it seems & the African's, inparticular are fighting back against its oppressors & literally kicking them off of their land. The window of hope is still open to us & I live in faith that good will prevail & yet knowing that we have a lot of shit to encounter before we emerge from the other side into a world far more conducive to living in peace & harmony, a world of our making, a world that is possible. God bless you all.