How I See It (The World Today)


Despite my many years of researching & watching what our self-proclaimed overlords are up to, still, I can hardly believe what has come to pass in recent years & how quickly the flock have fallen into line. There have been many whistleblowers over the decades that specifically warned us about the very things we are witnessing around us now. If only the world had listened, all of the manufactured chaos could have been averted. For example, DrJohn Coleman wrote about & gave lectures on the conspiratorial group known as The Committee 0f 300. Watch him speak here at a recording in 1994 where he explains the machinations of their malevolent plan for the world. His insightful book, published in 1992, The Conspirators Hierarchy; The Committee of 300, was, unfortunately, largely ignored, the results of that blindness has cost us dear.

Today, there are many more voices warning of worse to come if we don't pull our fingers out ASAP. They (I include myself here) have largely been ignored & yet because the lies from government have become glaringly obvious to those that previously sat on the fence, there has been a sharp rise in awakened souls willing to listen. I understand how difficult it is to know just who to trust, especially when those you have been following turn out to be gatekeepers for the official narrative or worse, outright shills. So individual discernment is a prerequisite in guiding us to reliable sources. Take the war in Ukraine for example, we've surely learnt that the mainstream news are not the arbiters of truth. Who really knows what's going on there apart from the apparent high levels of corruption, the discovery of numerous biolabs, fraudulent, shady deals between the US & Ukraine regimes etc; that we know about? All manner of debate has been removed from the table. Russia Today (RT) was silenced within nano seconds of the Russians foray into Ukraine after being goaded & betrayed by Nato. RT reports could have at least allowed us to hear their version of events there. But as throughout the Brexit referendum wrangling & the covid dispatches, all voices of so-called dissent were censored like never before.

According to Harry Vox's recording recently, China & Ukraine were already in bed together with the intention of ousting Vladimir Putin from Russia? & this week, Xi Jinping & Zelensky held long talks by phone discussing China's involvement in bringing peace to the table, maybe Vox is right & the plan all along was for these two countries to split the spoils of Russia after the removal of Putin? I'm no expert on these matters but it's palpably clear to me that Ukraine is being used for money laundering on a massive scale, to act as a testing site for AI competence in running a country & maybe being prepared to be the new Jerusalem? We'll know soon enough eh.

As for the expected expelling of Andrew Bridgen MP from the Tory party yesterday, (26th April 2023) for speaking out about vaccine deaths & injuries (not the feeble excuse of comparing the death count to the holocaust) it has become even more evident than ever that no one is safe from the tyrrany of this government or any party that will replace them, they're all in it together. The good thing about the unfortunate sacking of Mr Bridgen is that he is now free to speak as he likes & his popularity is rising as his vehement support for the vaccine injured is a rare thing indeed amongst the political class & is a beacon of light for those who have been damaged or that have lost loved ones through taking the experimental jab.

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