Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically Modified Foods
A short post from my old website conspiracy-theory-secrets,com Janie Still The True View, no longer accessible except through Way Back Machine.
May 7th, 2010 | Author: Janie
Are you one of the vast number of people that have taken
responsibility of their personal health and choose to eat as healthily
as possible ?, then you may be surprised to learn that millions of tons
of GMOs* are going into producing the food we eat.
Their presence in the food chain has been cunningly concealed . Because
people around the world are adamant that they do not want to eat GM
foods hardly any GM ingredients are going directly into foods that have
to be labelled or that can easily be boycotted by consumers.
In the USA, where most crops are grown, GM ingredients do not have to be
labelled. As a result, GM ingredients are going into highly processed
US foods where they are hard to identify. Most GM crops are traded
around the world in a way almost entirely hidden from consumers,
including Europe.
Although GM ingredients that go directly into food products have to
labelled in the EU, there is a way of directing GMOs to consumers that
cannot easily be identified. Animal feed is the only large-scale outlet
for GM crops in Europe. Because of a loophole in the EU's GM food
labelling laws, the meat, dairy products and eggs produced with GM
animal feed do not have to be labelled as such, creating a complete lack
of transparency. So animal feed means GMOs are getting into the human
food chain through the back door.
So despite the availability of plentiful supplies of GM-free farm animal
feed, our meat, eggs, and dairy products are being contaminated by
stealth GMOs.
Scientific studies show that these stealth GMOs could have important health implications.
To learn more visit:
Ten Reasons to Boycott GM Foods:
1/ GM feed can disturb various bodily functions and make animals sick,
farmers report that animals suffer serious, detrimental effects.
2/ GM crops lead to 4 times as much pesticide use as conventional ones.
3/ Every independent GMO feeding study conducted shows grave health problems associated with consuming GM foods.
4/ GM crops are a long-term economic disaster for farmers.
5/ GM foods won't solve the food crisis, there are better ways to feed the world.
6/ GM crops do not increase yield potential. In fact studies show that the most widely grown GM crop, soya, has suffered reduced yields.
7/ GM and non-GM cannot co-exist. GM contamination of conventional and organic food is increasing.
8/ The biotech firms pushing their GM foods have a terrible history of toxic contamination and public deception.
9/ Children are the most at risk being more likely to develop reactions to GM foods.
10/ GM foods can potentially damage human DNA.
* Genetically Modified Organisms.
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