A Digital God ?


The thing is about the technocrats & their ilk, is that everything they are pushing us towards is artificial & unnatural. All of their misguided ideas go against the divine laws of nature, Gods law.  I don't care how clever AI becomes, it is still artificial! Transhumanism, their pet project, needs synthetic materials if it is to succeed. Transgenderism requires untold amounts of manufactured pills & various other forms of medication to be taken for life for those transitioning. Injectable medicine, also man-made & are far removed from natural sources. Anyone would think 'they' were trying to kill us!

You gotta laugh folks, if it's one thing I've learnt about the satanic cabal carrying out orders from the devil himself, is that they abhor ridicule. Their sole intent is to destroy the human spirit through endless tumultuous events which eventually demoralise us & fractures minds rendering people incapable of thinking for themselves. It doesn't matter wether you believe in God or not, they certainly do. It can't have escaped your attention that those responsible for the present chaos in the world today have an explicitly anti-biblical worldview, that is no accident. They've done a great job of wiping any mention of God from the schools curriculum in recent years. As with all totalitarian regimes (only now they have the technology to assist them)  they have to weedle their way inside the blank slate of childrens minds if they are to be fully successful. There is a war on God himself!

It pains me to even mention his name but Yuval Noah Harare, an Israeli intellectual & historian is also (in my opinion) demonically possessed. He could not utter the bilge he does if he was in is right mind, i.e. human beings are hackable animals, God is a myth, the days of individual privacy are over (though we're nearly there on that one!) He also said, "History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods." And this is what millions of people now believe & are willing to go along with whatever these self-proclaimed prophets tell them! I despair at times. God help us all.

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