Broker Blair and Mendacious Mandelson
Has there ever been two more political, slippery characters prancing about the world stage than Tony Blair & Peter Mandelson? If so, I've yet to have heard of them. If you think Keir Starmer is in control of the Labour Party or their policies think again. This duplicitous pair are masters of the dark arts & are beavering away behind the scenes to create & control Labour's narrative. For example it was widely reported at the time of Starmer's visit to Paris to meet Emmanuel Macron recently that Tony Blair had arranged the meeting on the very day when the EU released plans that could see the UK effectively rejoin them as an associate member! Hmmm? More of Blair later, let's continue with Peter Mandelson, or Peter Benjamin Mandelson to give him his full name.

Mr; Mandelson has friends in very high places that have so far prevented his close connection to Jeffrey Epstein becoming public. Apart from a photo or two surfacing in the press, the last one (to my knowledge) was published in The Mail on Sunday June, 2023,we've heard hardly a thing. The article by Daniel Bates, accompanying the photo, sais that Mandelson was due to meet Epstein several times between 2010 - 2013, even though he was a registered sex offender at that time. Mandelson declined to confirm if the meetings had took place - but other's that appeared on the documents handed over by Epstein's estate to the authorities have said their get-togethers did go ahead. Previous reports have shown photos of Mandelson on Epstein's island in 2005 & at his birthday 2006, prior to Epstein's sentencing. Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, Mandelson's assistant, was also present at these meetings, he was Tony Blair's director of strategic communications & now works at Global Counsel, Mandelson's consulting company, as a managing director. Talk about keep it in the family

You may be thinking this is all in the past & not relevant to today. Wrong! In my mind it's very relevant to today as he is actively (as is Blair) coaching Kier Starmer as to what to say & do from his woke, zero carbon, technocratic, globalist, ideologies & UN diktats standpoint. So vote in Labour & you will surely get Blair & Mandelson virtualy running our country, not that they've ever been far from the helm of government. Yes, I realise that Conservative/ Labour are two wings of the same bird & that we'll be steered toward a world inwhich none of us wants regardlee of which party is ruling over us, but Labour does appear to be more inclined toward sympathy for the transgender-transhumanist agenda...though Rishi Sunak has an unhealthy relationship with big tech & Silicon Valley which is overseen by the military industrial complex which I suppose leaves us in a no-win situation, either way, the UN, WEF, WHO will effectively be in control.
is short excerpt from a post I wrote in 2010. Lexigrams are when you
deduce letters from a name or title to form words from those letters. I
think youi'll agree that these are quite apt in describing Mandelsons
cunning demeanor:
May 7th, 2010 | Author: JanieWhat are Lexigrams ?
Each word possesses it's own immutable meaning, sais Linda Goodman, who's known as the deva of Astrology.
Many secrets can be revealed by calculating words from a name, title or phrase.
In this example I will use Peter Mandelson, or Peter Benjamin Mandelson
to use his full name. Try it for yourself and see what is revealed for
you. When you're decoding secrets through Lexigrams you first make a
list of
all the words contained within the single word—the name—or the multiple
word phrase you want to penetrate. After you've made your list of words
you tune into your Higher Self,
through intuition, using your sixth sense, as you place words together,
on a separate sheet of paper to form short sentences or phrases. Your
own instinct will then overshadow you, filling your mind with
inspiration, as you place the words on the page in patterns that reveal
such astonishing insights.
This is just a short list of words that can be derived from his name..
However, I hasten to add that lexigrams are not for amusement or
intellectual exercise. They probe behind anagrams (which are used for
amusement) to uncover higher knowledge and wisdom.
Not every single word will lend itself to Lexigrams.
After being made a life Peer he was bestowed with the ludicrous title of Lord Mandelson, Baron of Hartlepool and Foy in the County of Herefordshire and Hartlepool in the Couinty of Durham, First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Business, Innovations and Skills, Lord President of the Council. Do you think they're taking the p…s ?
Back to Blair. The words of a top Tory published by journalist's Brendan Carlin & Glen Owen from July 2022 were spot on with what he claimed...'El Presidente Blair would treat Sir Keir like a puppet' in Lib-Lab pact. Sir Keir Starmer would be nothing but a puppet Prime Minister in a weak coalition government propped up by the Liberal Democrats & the Scottish national Party. Admittedly, a year's a very long time in politics but that prescient warning came just days after Blair fuelled talk of a comeback into the frontline of British politics by hosting a 'Future of Britain' conference which included a call to change the UK's voting system. Lest we forget it was under the New Labour government with Blair as PM, between 1997 & 2004 no fewer than 227 police stations were closed, researcher, Andrew O'Hagan noted that under Blair, half the fire cover within four miles of Grenfell Tower vanished in five years. New Labour's propaganda machine boasted that its era was the best ever for public services, but the reality was severe cuts & rationing, a clear example of political spin being in total opposition to reality.

Multi-millionaire, tech-tycoon, Larry Elllison is bankrolling The Tony Blair Institute, established in 2016, & in 2021 he gave the institute 26million with plans for a further 38million in future donations. Mr Ellison is the founder of software firm Oracle & has paired with Blair to speed up vaccination rates in Africa! Blair stated that "This is an immensely exciting & potentially ground-breaking initiative for recording information on all disease vaccinations & treatments in African Nations. "That means vaccination of at least a significant portion of the population, requiring the highest quality data system so that everyone's vaccine experience is recorded. Oracle can provide tha system with data securely stored & owned by each country & is prepared to do so as part of a global philanthropic partnership.' !!! Lofty words indeed! Simple translation..we view the entire African Continent as a massive petri-dish where we can practise & experiment with our latest bio-tech mRNA vaccines to our hearts content!

We know how he loathed surrendering the levers of power he once held & an obvious return to Downing Street is unthinkable, but by manipulating Keir Starmer from behind the curtain, he will, by proxy, be back in the saddle, so to speak. Despite his fortune amounting to over 50million, Blair, up until 2021, was claiming the full 115,000 Public Duty Cost Allowance which is supposed to help former PM's with the costs of 'necessary office....arising from fulfilling public duties'. And remember Blair's questionable friendship with the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, a despotic former communist who ruled the country with an iron fist from 1990 until2019, when he installed a pal as 'puppet' leader? In 2012, Nazarbayev paid rapper Kanya West 2million to perform at his grandson's wedding while the average annual income of a Kazakh citizen was about 5,000. After installing loyalists & relatives in key governmental positions, to ensure his continued influence, he became chairman of the country's security council. Nazarbayev's regime was famed & feared for murdering & imprisoning opponents, shutting down news outlets & siphoning billions of his large & resource-rich nation's assets to a dodgy network of cronies family members. And yet Blair appeared in a highly propagandised documentary, (also in 2012) waxing lyrical about the wonders of Kazakhstan, about the extraordinary economic potential & it being an 'almost unique' country full of 'really smart people' who are 'capable, very determined & very proud of their country'. In return he was paid tens of millions of pounds working as a consultant to the notorious despot.

Observant piece on Blair from an article in the Daily Mail, Saturday 12th Augus

In conclusion, I know that Rishi Sunak is definitely not a man of the people & has no inkling of how the ordinary man lives & will just tow the line for those working from behind the scenes & that goes for whoever's voted in. All we can wish for is that by some miracle more people will awaken to the bare fact that in recent years they've been lied to by their government on a level like never before.
I'll leave you with a statement from "The New Order of BARBARIANS" The New World System, in the recorded words of Dr Laurence Dunegan after he attended a conference in 1969 of 80 pediatricians & Planned Parenthood members....yes, 1969!
"Then the presentation began to get rather grim, because once that generation passed, & that would be in the late 80's & early 90's, most of that age group would be gone & then, gradually, things would tighten up & the tightening up would be accelerated. The old movies & old songs would be withdrawn; the gentler entertainment would be withdrawn; Travel, instead of being easy for old then would become very restricted. People would need permission tp travel & they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn't have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, & everyone would need ID. This would at first be an ID card you would carry on your person & you must show when you are asked for it. It was already planned that later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual."