At the Point of Clear and Present Danger
How compliancy to covid restrictions was the green light for the zero carbon psyop to begin
No sooner had the world shook off the shackles of the unprecented restrictions on their freedom because of covid than it was hit with yet more inhibiting regulations in the guise of climate change! 15 Minute Cities, rising energy costs, restriction of travel as prices soar, continuing coercion to herd us toward a cashless society & all things digital. As with the covid psyop, the climate change scam was planned long ago.
I came across this prescient article by Marjorie Hecht, in a 2009 copy of Namaste magazine, titled, Special Report, 1975 'Endangered Atmosphere' Conference, Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born: "Global warming" is & always was, a policy for genocidal reduction of the world's population. The preposterous claim that human-produced carbon dioxide will broil the Earth. melt the ice caps, & destroy human life, came out of a 1975 conference in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, organized by the influential anthropologist Margaret Mead, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1974. (More of that later)
Before that the first international environmental summit was held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972 which led to the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) followed by the First World Climate Conference in 1979 & the Toronto Conference on the Changing Climate in 1988, where the inception of the dubious International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) took place. In 1992 the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. 1995 saw the beginning of the Conference of Parties (COP). Since then COP has been held annually. Cop 1 resulted in the adoption of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol which for the first time resulted in binding reduction targets for industrialised countries. Below are key dates in global change negotiations, 1972-2021
1995: IPCC Second Assessment report published
1995: The first meeting of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP 1) takes place in Berlin, Germany
1997: After two years of formal negotiations, the Kyoto Protocol agreed is agreed at COP 3 in Kyoto, Japan
2001: IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR) published
2005: Kyoto Protocol enters into force
2007: The IPCC's fourth assessment report (AR4) published
2009: Parties fail to reach agreement on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol at COP 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark
2014-15: IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) published
2015: A successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol (the 'Paris Agreement') is reached at COP 21 in Paris, France
2020: Paris Agreement takes legal effect
2021: Postponed COP 26 scheduled to take place in Glasgow with UK Government as hosts
But in fact, according to R. Mark Musser's book 'Nazi Oaks' The Green Sacrifice of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust.....environmentalism has its roots in Nazi Germany. "The Nazi's had planned to regulate Hitler's & Goering's Four Year Plan with very environmentally friendly sustainable development schemes. An environmental planning office was established in 1935 called "The Work of the Reich Office for Spatial Planning." These green Nazi social engineering schemes were far ahead of their time.The Nazi war machine was developed under the green hue of sustainable development." Further into the book Musser sais, "Green historians, very sensitive to the convergence between Nazism & environmentalism, & very sympathetic to their own cause, have been quick to point out the divergences between themselves & the Nazis wherever they can be found. Environmental historians often present many distinctions which are trivial, while ignoring many greater similarities." It's an interesting read, it weaves together eugenics, depopulation, genocide & sustainable development (which has been said to be a euphemism for genocide).
Returning to Marjorie Hecht's article, 2009, "Anthropologist Margaret Mead recruited like-minded anti-population hoaxsters to the cause: Sow enough fear of man-caused climate change to force global cutbacks in industrial activity & halt Third World development. Mead's leading recruits at the 1975 conference were climate scare artist Stephen Schneider, population -freak biologist George Woodwell & the current AAAS president John Holdren (this article having been written in 2009) all three of them disciples of Malthusian fanatic Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb. Guided by luminaries like these, conference discussion focussed on the absurd choice of either feeding people or "saving the environment."
Fast forward to today & they're still at it only with the added assistance of advanced technology they could only have dreamt of back in the 1970's. Whatever, we are where we are now & as I look around there's still not as many people on board as I would like. There's a rabid race towards zero carbon that must be thwarted. The rules only apply to the serfs as 'they' have no intention of traveling cattle class, eating bugs, cycling within a 15 minute radious or going vegan anytime soon! skipping back to Mead's for a moment, her keynote to the 1975 climate conference: "Mankind had advanced over the years to have international laws governing the sea & the land: now was the time for a "Law of the Atmosphere." A bit lofty don't you think? Just who do these people think they are? Isn't it driving you nuts being pushed around by a bunch of zillionaires that have not a clue what people are experiencing right now. Suicides through the roof, mental illness abounds, oh you know what's going on. But all is not lost by far, below is a wonderful & encouraging video filmed at the Trust & Freedom conference held recently, a few brave & courageous souls have formed an alliance to stop the WHO's extremely nefarious Treaty from being signed off by countries world wide, I believe with our help they will succeed. It is not off topic, for as we know all of the insidious plans they have in store for us are all interconnected & the pandemic treaty, if it comes to fruition would surely give us a glimpse of hell!
Without the dummy run to test our compliance during covid, their plan to conquer us mind body & soul would never have got this far, it would have fallen at the first fence. But alas, people complied in their millions, giving them the green light they had been praying for. How sad.