About Me
About Me

Hello & a warm welcome to my blog. My name is Janie Still. I've always possessed a healthy mistrust in authority going way back to the days I was a pupil at a catholic convent which shaped my rebellious nature.
Fast forward to the tragic death of Princess Diana in 1997, the point at which I realised for certain that what we were being told did not add up & there began my journey down into the proverbial rabbit hole. I gave a talk about the many inconsistencies of the 9/11 psyop, shortly after it had occured & have since spoken locally about 5G, GM foods, EMF's &the environment. In 2010 I had a very informative website called conspiracy-theory-secrets.com, sadly it was taken down by unknown sources when I shared documented evidence of paedophiia in Westminster. My flat was also broken into where I found the strange rearrangement of certain articles. I contacted David Dees (political artist, sadly now deceased) who had experienced a similar incident, he was sure I had been visited by the secret police ? I went offline for a few years but as I'm literally bursting with stuff I want to share I've returned with a new website which I hope you'll find useful. .